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BOS May 13th Agenda
The Wellfleet Board of Selectmen will hold a public meeting on Tuesday May 13, 2008 at 7p.m. at the Wellfleet Public Library, 55 West Main Street, Wellfleet, MA 02667

I.      Public Hearing
A.      New All Alcohol, General on Premise Seasonal Liquor License - Wellfleet Harbor Actor’s Theater, Kristen Stewart mgr, 15 Kendrick Ave.
B.      Alter Premise of Annual All Alcohol Restaurant LicenseBookstore & Restaurant Inc., Caroline Parlante mgr, 50 Kendrick Ave: requesting to include service & consumption on outside patio.
C.      Alter Premise of Seasonal All Alcohol Restaurant License
¨       Barry & Winslow, LLC, Tracey Barry Hunt mgr d.b.a. Winslow’s Tavern, 316 Main Street: requesting to include service and consumption to the patio and outdoor areas.
¨       C.M. Williams Corp., Charter Williams mgr d.b.a. The Juice, 6 Commercial Street: requesting to include service and consumption to the patio and outdoor areas.

II.     Open Session & Announcements

III.    New Business
A.      Powers and Sullivan – Town Audit Review
B.      Establishment of Comcast Cable Town Channel Fund
C.      Appointments
¨       Patrick Winslow – Conservation Commission
B.      Use of Town Owned Property
¨       Melissa Goldberg requesting use of Duck Harbor on July 5th 2008 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm for a wedding ceremony.
¨       Harriet Korim representing Friends of the Dump, requesting use of the area surrounding the swap shop on Saturday May 24th, 2008 from 8am – 3pm for the Annual Yard Sale.
¨       Robert Rindler representing Wellfleet Preservation Hall, requesting use of the 335 Main Street Park on July 1st and 5th, 2008 from 5pm – 11pm for free outdoor film screenings.
C.      Justin Dalby and Jessica Hearn requesting waiver of Noise By-law for ½ hour from 10pm – 10:30pm on June 21, 2008 for a wedding at the Holden Inn.
D.      Local Comprehensive Planning Implementation Committee

IV.     Old Business
A.      Update on status of Planning Board’s progress of Zoning By-law Amendments

V.      Correspondence

VI.     Minutes
A.      April 22, 2008

VII.    Future Meetings/Agendas

VIII.   Executive Session

Posted:  Town Hall, May 9, 2008 11:15am dr  May 9, 2008 11:15am egh